prof. dr. sc. Krunoslav Pisk

Professor of Physics
University of Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik, Croatia


Place and date of birth: Zagreb, Croatia, October 18, 1943

1967 B.Sc. in Physics, University of Zagreb
1969 M.Sc. in Physics, University of Zagreb
1977 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Zagreb

From 1967 to 2008 employed at Ruđer Bošković Institute.

From 2009 professor of physics at University of Dubrovnik

Field of interest: higher-order processes (internal bremsstrahlung, pair production, nuclear excitations), photon-atom scattering (Compton effect, single and double ionization), discrete space-time dynamics, neutrino physics, simulations of QM systems. 50 papers in international journals, 50 papers in conference proceedings.

From 1976 to 1996 in continuous collaboration with Physics Department, University of Ottawa, Canada and from 1989 with University of Pittsburgh, USA.

Referee for journals Physical Review/Physical Review Letters, and Fizika.

Teaching physics and philosophy of physics at the University of Zagreb, since 1978, and occasionally at the Universities of Rijeka and Split, Croatia.

Member of Organizing Committees of several international conferences.

Work on the projects: Center for international fusion reactor (1987), Brain drain, politics and measures (1988), Elemental x-ray analysis (Elettra, Trieste 1990), Higher-order photon-electron interaction in external field (RBI – University of Pittsburgh collaboration, Principal investigator, 1989-1992), Photon-atom scattering (Ministry of Science and Technology of Croatia, Principal investigator, 1996-2002), Project «E-school» for High school students (Croatian Natural Science Society, head of the project, 1997- ).

About 10 scientific reports in the fields of scattering of electromagnetic waves from the sea and of the reactor transients analysis, 1977-1986.

European Academy of Science and Arts, Salzburg, member, 1992
World Academy of Arts and Science, member, 2005

Rewarded from the President of the Republic of Croatia with “Spomenica Domovinskog rata”, 1995

Selected professional duties:

1987-1994 Director General of the Ruđer Bošković Institute

1988-1994 President, Association of Independent Scientific Institutes of Croatia

1999-2004 President, Scientific Council of the Ruđer Bošković Institute

2002- President, Independent Union of Research and Higher Education Employees of Croatia, vice president 2000-2002

2004-2006 Acting Director General, Inter-University Center Dubrovnik

2006- Director General, Inter-University Center Dubrovnik

Additional duties:

1981-1983 President, Scientific Council of the Physics, Energy and Applications Department, RBI

1985-1988 Vice President, Scientific Council of Postgraduate Studies in Physics, University of Zagreb

1982-1987 Director, Physics, Energy and Applications Department, RBI

1989-1991 Member, Board of Directors of NUKLIN (Yugoslav Association of Nuclear Institutes), in charge for collaboration with CERN

1991-1992 Member, Scientific Council of the Ministry of Science of Croatia

1998- President, Inter-University Center – Dubrovnik, Association

2000-2001 Vice President, Board of Trustees of the University of Zagreb

2001-2004 Appointed Member, Committee for Science, Education and Culture of the Croatian Parliament

2002-2004 Member, Board of Trustees of CARNET (Croatian Academic and Research Network)

2005-2011 Member, Croatian Council for Funding for Higher Education and Science

2005- Member, National Follow-Up Group for Bologna Process
2010 Vice chair HERSC, ETUCE

Member of Croatian Delegation on Ministerial Conferences on Bologna Process (Berlin 2003, Bergen 2005, London 2007, Leuven-Louvain-La-Neuve 2009, Budapest, Vienna, 2010)

Memberships in professional societies

Croatian Physics Society

Croatian Natural Sciences Society

International Radiation Physics Society

European Physics Society

Memberships in Associations

Rotary Club, Zagreb, president, 1993-1994,

Croatian Branch of the Club of Rome, treasurer, 1995-1997, member of the Board 1998- , Open Society Institute, member of the Board 1992-1997,

Croatian Red Cross, member of the National Board, 1997-

10 Selected papers

  1. Pisk, A. Ljubičić, B.A. Logan: Theoretical Investigations of Double Internal Bremsstrahlung in Electron Capture, Nucl. Phys. A267 (1976) 77.

  2. Pisk, A. Ljubičić, B.A. Logan: Theoretical Estimate of the Pair Production in ?-Decay, Phys. Rev. C17 (1978) 739.

  3. Dadić, K. Pisk: Dynamics of Discrete-Space Structure, Inter. Journ. Theor. Phys. 18 (1979) 355.

  4. Pisk, V. Pašagić, B.A. Logan: Internal Bremsstrahlung in s-Electron Capture, Phys. Rev. C21 (1980) 1525.

  5. D. Kekez, a. Ljubičić, K. Pisk, B.A. Logan: Nuclear Deexcitation via the electronic Bridge Mechanisms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23 (1985) 1366.

  6. Surić, P.M. Bergstrom, Jr., K. Pisk and R.H. Pratt: Compton Scattering of Photons by Inner-Shell Electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 189.

  7. Surić, R. Horvat and K. Pisk: Internal Bremsstrahlung: Exact Relativistic Independent Particle – Approximation Calculations, Phys. Rev. C47 (1993) 47.

  8. Bergstrom, Jr., T. Surić, K. Pisk and R.H. Pratt: Compton Scattering of Photons from Bound Electrons: Full Relativistic IPA Calculations, Phys. Rev. A48 (1993) 1134.

  9. Surić, K. Pisk, B.A. Logan, R.H. Pratt, Ionization of Two-Electron Systems by Compton Scattering of a Photon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 790.

  10. Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, T. Surić: Electron correlation in hith energy double ionization of helium by Compton scattering, Nucl. Inst. And Meth. A 619 (2010) 10-14.

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